Gionee S10 Lite is now launched in India, earlier in May the phone was first launched in China. The phone looks something similar to the Gionee S10C with some changes here and there. The S10 Lite features a 16 MP front camera that has an aperture of f/2.0 and a selfie flash. Apart from...
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There was a time when mobiles very pretty large, remember the first Nokia phones and after that the push was towards getting them as small and sleek as possible. Than comes the today’s era where the smartphones started getting larger displays with 2017 all screen front. Now we have a...
Xiaomi earlier launched the Mi Max 2 in India with a Price tag of Rs 16,999 which featured a massive 5300 mAh battery and a 6.44-inch Full HD display. According to rumours and leaks it it seems like that the company is now working on its successor Xiaomi Mi Max 3. As all the smartphone...
Participate in the Giveaway :- Buy Redmi 5A 16GB :- Buy Redmi 5A 32GB :- Unboxing & Giveaway of Redmi 5A :- Earlier this year Xiaomi launched Redmi 4A and now we have the next Phone in the series its the Redmi 5A. And Today in this Video we will do the camera comparison of...
Amazon India is going to launch one more budget smartphone under the 10.or (Tenor) Brand and its the 10.or D. This is going to be the third smartphone from the company, earlier company launched the 10.or G and 10.or E. Talking about the 10.or D its going to be a low budget smartphone with...