OnePlus 5T was launched recently now users have reported that its unable to stream content from Netflix, Amazon Prime and also video which are in HD despite of having HD capable display and high specification. This was reported on a thread on the OnePlus 5 forum where it was pointed out...
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After one of their successful phones S8 & S8+ in 2017 its rumoured that the upcoming Galaxy S9 will have the same screen size as its predecessors but in much compact body. Previous leaks suggested that the upcoming Galaxy S9 will have an amazing 90% screen to body ration. However...
Giveaway Rules Like the video on YouTube Comment the reason what you like most about this Phone Subscribe to our channel on YouTube if you haven’t already Share as much as you can so that we can reach 4999 Like Target. Thats really important otherwise the giveaway will not become...
We have seen lots of changes in Instagram since its acquisition by Facebook in 2012. We all remember the original app which was so simple and all it was about just apply some filters and share it with your friends in couple of clicks. And also the feed was simple without any special...
In May this year Google promised a version of Android that will be custom designed for low specs phone. And Today the Android Go or Android Oreo Go is being made for device manufacturers and developers. Its not yet available to download for end user but it will happen soon. Android Go is...